
Isaiah Markin (Wendigoon) Age | Wiki, Net worth, Bio, Height, Girlfriend

Facts about Isaiah Markin

Date of BirthJune 2, 1999
Age24 years old
BirthplaceUnited States
Height5 feet 2 inches (1.58 m)
Relationship statusIn a relationship
Net worth$200,000 – $300,000 (More info Below)

One of the rising stars in the YouTube community is Isaiah Markin. Isaiah is one of the rising stars with a viral following, and his popularity has reached 606,000. Don’t think of Isaiah as just another YouTube celebrity; he has been posting videos that highlight his personality, humor, and creative abilities. It makes sense why Isaiah keeps making viral videos one after the other.

We have compiled all the knowledge we have about Isaiah Markin in this article. Isaiah Markin’s birthday, family, academic background, love interests, and wealth have all been discussed. Keep reading to the end.

What is Isaiah Markin known for?

A YouTuber named The age of Isaiah Markin is [dob=”19990602″]. Isaiah has gained a lot of notoriety and admiration for the horror and real crime-themed videos that he posts to his Wendigoon channel.

Right now, Isaiah has earned more than 606,000 subscribers. Not just that, his channel has attained a total of more than 37 million views from his videos. Other than YouTube, he has lots of fan followings on his various social media platforms. Also, he has more than 5,180  followers on his Instagram alone at the time of writing this article.  

Early life and Family

Isaiah Markin was born on June 2, 1999, in the United States. Isaiah is of Multi-racial descent.  Isaiah Markin appears to be reserved about his family history, so, Isaiah has not mentioned anything about his parents until now. He has two sisters, Olivia and Sophia.

The boyhood of Isaiah Markin was particularly wonderful because of his parents’ constant love and care. They were consistently providing Isaiah with all he needs in order to accomplish his goals. Simply put, Isaiah had a childhood that undoubtedly played a crucial part in helping him make the development he is currently making.

Isaiah Markin hasn’t given much information regarding his training and credentials. Isaiah has finished high school, however it is unclear exactly where he did his undergraduate work.


Isaiah Markin has amassed a great deal of notoriety and popularity throughout the years, as we are all aware. So it stands to reason that Isaiah’s followers would be interested in learning about his relationships and love life. We conducted some investigation and browsed a number of websites, and what we learned is that Isaiah is not a virgin. He has a significant other already. His girlfriend Kayla Garrett and him are together. Although they have been dating for a while, their photos make it appear as though they are just starting out. They frequently tag each other in social media postings, go on dates together, and other things, exactly like newlyweds do. We wish they had enduring love like this since it appears like their love never grows old. 


Isaiah Markin is 1.58 meters (5 feet 2 inches) tall. However, there is still no information available regarding Isaiah Markin’s weight. Isaiah has gorgeous Dark Brown eyes and Black hair, which make him look incredibly appealing. He also has a typical body build. The precise numbers revealing Isaiah’s bodily proportions are unknown, though.

More Facts about Isaiah Markin

  • Isaiah Markin celebrates his birthday on June 2, 1999. Thus, Isaiah Markin is 22 years old as of May 2021.
  • Isaiah Markin zodiac sign is Gemini.

What is Isaiah Markin’s NET WORTH and YOUTUBE EARNINGS??

YouTube: People can use the YouTube platform to make money by uploading videos. 

The same is true for Isaiah Markin, whose primary source of income is YouTube. His number of subscribers and watchers has substantially increased over time. 

Currently, he has more than 606,000 subscribers on his channel with an average of 159,594 views daily.

Net Worth: According to socialblade.com, from his YouTube channel, Isaiah earns an estimated $14,400  –  $229,800 in a year calculating the daily views and growth of subscribers.

Isaiah Markin’s net worth is therefore projected to be between $200,000 and $300,000 after accounting for all of his sources of income over the years as shown above.

Isaiah Markin’s Youtube career

Isaiah Markin started his YouTube channel on July 19, 2019 and uploaded his first video titled “The Warden of the Woods.” Since then he has been uploading various horror and true crime themed videos. 

The most watched video on his channel to date is “The Disturbing Movie Iceberg Explained (GRAPHIC CONTENT)”. As of right moment, it has received over 4.3 million views.

Currently, his channel is expanding every day, and more than 606,000 people are watching his videos. Additionally, he consistently uploads videos because he does it once every week. 

Is Isaiah Markin involved in any RUMORS AND CONTROVERSY?

It is clear that a lot of false information regarding individuals like Isaiah Markin circulated. Haters of Isaiah can fabricate tales and try to bring him down out of envy and jealousy. But Isaiah has no longer given it much thought. Isaiah’s supporters and admirers prefer that he focus on love and kindness. Until this day, Isaiah has done a great job of keeping himself out of disputes.

Q n A

Q: What year was Isaiah Markin born?

A: June 2, 1999 marked the birth of Isaiah Markin.

Q: How old is Isaiah Markin?

A: The age of Isaiah Markin is [dob=”19990602″].

Q: How tall is Isaiah Markin?

A: Isaiah Markin is 1.58 meters (5 feet 2 inches) tall.

Q: Who is the girlfriend of Isaiah Markin?

A: Isaiah Markin is currently single.

Q: What is the net worth of Isaiah Markin?

A: The estimated net worth of Isaiah Markin is $200,000 to $300,000. 

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Tisa Delillo

Update: 2024-06-21